When I can’t be in France to enjoy the cuisine, historical landmarks, architecture, gardens museums, art, and friends, I am either reading or dreaming about it. Or, I am planning my next holiday itinerary! My first trip to Europe was in 1997. I stayed in a timeshare exchange a half-hour train ride from Paris. No one could go with me, so I headed to France by myself. My friend Daniel Hudry, a French chef who lived in Paris, was the only person I knew. Daniel stayed with me and my family in Albany, Oregon, during one of the stops on his Rotary International Exchange. After that week in France, I fell in love with all things French.
My upcoming book highlights some of the impactful experiences I’ve had visiting France, and shows how I returned to recreate those experiences in my own life here in Oregon. You too, can create your own Ooh la la! experience at home following the recipes and suggestions in the book.